Like all healthcare professionals, members of the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association have been continuing to provide services to their clients and the community during this unprecedented time of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This has been a strange and worrying time for everyone, which has impacted every aspect of our lives, including our mental health. We are facing a situation with higher potential disruption and strain on all of our resources than has been seen in most of our lifetimes. The risk is significant especially to the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions, and emotional risks higher for those with anxiety or depression already. It is normal for all of us to feel stressed, irritable, frustrated, or impatient at this time. As psychologists, though, we try to reduce unnecessary anxieties by pointing out that danger may be easily distorted in our minds, and that decisions or reactions made while feeling panicky are unlikely to be helpful, even when there is some real risk around us. For example, it is important to keep in mind that when people follow precautions and stay at home the risk of disease drops significantly. And finally, try to keep in mind that this is a time-limited situation and we will come out the other side. click for more.
LinksUnited Way Santa Barbara: COVID-19 Resources for SBCPA Members Covid19 Resource Web Page (updated frequently) from our US Congress Representative Salud Carbajal, includes Small Business CARES Act and Economic Recovery: |
Santa Barbara County Coronavirus Bilingual Call Center(833) 688-5551 | Santa Barbara County Coronavirus Multi-Resource Page and Call Center Call: 2-1-1 |
Santa Barbara County Community Wellness Team(888) 868-1649 | SBRN Helpline in Spanish(805) 699-5608 |
Other ResourcesAccess & Functional Needs | Assistance for Homeless | Financial | Food | Health | Housing | Medical | Undocumented Assistance/Spanish Speakers | Utility Services Access and Functional NeedsIndependent Living Resource Center (805) 963-0595 Santa Barbara (805) 681-4550 Santa Maria (805) 346-8303 Lompoc (805) 737-6020 Assistance for HomelessSanta Barbara County Housing and Community Development (HCD) PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) (805) 884-0171 CLUE Santa Barbara (Interfaith community leaders) Santa Barbara Rescue Mission (805) 966-1316 Freedom Warming Centers (805)324-2372 Santa Barbara Street Medicine (805) 455-4234