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Minutes September 2018

  • President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD
  • President Elect:  Cécile Lyons, PhD
  • Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD
  • Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD
  • LAN Representative: Dean Given, PhD
  • Student Representative: Scott Young
  •   Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda

September 6th, 2018

President Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 8:30 am.  SBCPA Board Members present: Dr. Betsy Bates Freed, Dr. Cecile Lyons, Dr. Eric Nelson, Dr. Christina Donaldson, Dr. Laura Ciel, Dr. Winifred Lender, Dr. Angela Vigna, Dr. Hallie D’Agruma, Dr. Kimberly Taylor, and Dr. Sandra Kenny

Approval of Minutes 

     August 2018, with revisions - Dr. Nelson motioned to approve the minutes, Dr. Donaldson 2nd, all in favor, no opposed. Minutes approved

New Business

     Slate of Officers for 2019, Transitions (President-elect, President)

     Dr. Lyons is stepping down from President-elect and Dr. Lender has agreed to take on the position of President-elect (and next years President).

     Dr. Lender has been a part of the board in the past (was president in 2001, President-elect in 2000, Treasurer in 1999) and was Ethics Chair two years ago.

     Finding ways to go about transition.

     One election

     Or do a special election

     Dr. Lender suggested minimizing the number of times we need responses from our members.

     Dr. Lyons suggested going forth with a quadrad (past president, president, and the two president-elects) and continue the work as possible if we wanted to wait until the full slate is presented.  Not violating bylaws for we have president-elect present.  Dr. Taylor asked for clarification on what term we are making changes for and Dr. Bates Freed stated that Dr. Lyons is not going forward as the President.  The new President will be Dr. Lender.  Dr. Lyons will still be a part of this years board since Dr. Lender has some prior commitments that will not allow her to be present for some remainder board meetings this term.  Dr. Bates stated that for a quorum, we need to have one of the president-elects present for a meeting.

     Seeking a President-elect for the next term.

     Dr. Lyons would like to recruit for committee members for next term.  We have had discussions about putting out committee sign up sheets at the Carr Winery event for members to sign up. Dr. Lyons passed out a document for board members to write in names of SBCPA members that they think would be good fits for certain committees and asked the board to take a minute to fill it out and return to her their suggestions.

     Biggest time consuming committees are membership, continuing ed - if board members know of anyone that is new to the organization, on the outskirts, someone who has just opened a practice - this would be a great way for them to network for we need someone to chair the committee’s and serve on the board.

     We have Committee’s for those positions

     Proposed 6-hour CE Suicide Education event featuring Lisa Firestone, co-sponsored w CPA (President, CE chair)

     Fulfill new APA requirements for license renewal and is approved by CPA.

     Our last CE event did not pull in many attendees

     Do we want to go forward with this CE event?

     If so, when? - After Christmas

     Dr. Kenny stated she would like more information before committing to hosting this event. In term of dates, that is a consideration as well as financials, and where we will host event.

     Dr. Taylor reminded the board that we have had events in the past that were successful.  We need to understand the key costs up front and keeping them as low as possible. We have made a profit in the past and it is a great revenue stream. 

     Dr. Lyons suggested donating a proceed of the financials to the SOS program so we can provide a community service, which is a value of the board.

     Dr. Lender wanted to ensure we are offering CEU’s for other licences.

     Questions that are needing to be addressed are:

     How much is speaker fee - Dr. Kenny will get in touch with Gina (administrator for organization) and Dr. Firestone.

     Do they have a facility?

     What are other outside costs?  Will they also be advertizing?  Dr. Lender suggested finding out what Dr. Firestone’s numbers were in her previous workshops.

     Could we team up with another organization?  Anitoch, UCSB, Westmont, open it up to the public and include public high school (SOS program) - which Gina is a part of it.  Maybe schools would donate their space (aka Marjorie Luke).  Fran is the superintendent of SB Unified School District and she would be the contact person in the school district.

     Dr. Lyons suggested delaying the necessity to make a decision until we find out the availability of Dr. Firestone, the possibility of coordination with school district, have a sense of how much sponsorship is out there, costs of CE’s, and cost of speaker.  Dr. Kenny will have a committee member look into venue, fees, and dates.

     Dr. Bates asked board as to what time frame to have this CEU event  - Spring (February, March, April).  SOS program does interventions before graduation. Spring Break is end of March (25th-29th).

     Dr. Bates Freed asked for a motion to be put forth to have the possibility of a Suicide CE event at the end of February , beginning of March.  Dr. Lyons - so moved; Dr. Donaldson - 2nd motion.  All in favor, no opposed. Motion carried.

     Member Listserve Postings/New section on website for causes, charity events, interests? (President, ethics chair, secretary)

     Request to post a Go Fund campaign for clinicians time in doing a community workshop.  Dr. Taylor stated it would be different if the the request came from school and the school decided which therapist they were going to hire. The listserv is not the best use of this type of post. Instead, have the member post it on the website - contact James directly.  Dr. Taylor suggested having a page on the website where members can post what they are doing: groups, workshops, books, etc.  Dr. Bates will talk with Dr. Fortman about creating a space on the website for members to post. 

     Dr. Taylor moved that we create a page on the website for members to post their workshops, books, causes, projects, and groups that other members could view and respond to and do not post individual advertisements for business on our listserv. Dr. Donaldson 2nd motion. All approved, none opposed.  Motion carries.

     Job positions are an ok thing to post on listserve even if requesting is outside of membership.

Old Business

     Meeting or Salon with Dr. Paul Erickson, Cottage Dir of Psychiatry, re 5E (CE chair)

     To talk about methods of admitting a patient to 5E and coordinating care while they are at Cottage. Still happening but date has not yet been determined.

     Job descriptions (President-elect)

     Two areas: Disaster Response and Media Relations are still needing to be completed.These jobs have been evolving.

     Brochure. Proposal out to (President)

President’s Report

     “News and Notes” message to membership posted in early August - will do one in another month.


President-Elect’s Report

     No other reports

Past President’s Report

     Election - Dr. Ciel requested a time frame on election.  Slating is almost done - goal is October 1.  Dr. Taylor suggested sending out the slate in late November, early December in case there are changes to the slate as a way to avoid sending it out more than once.

Treasurer’s Report

     Clarifying profit/loss from CE event - we loss $1700 on the event, $600 was in advertisement with Independent - out of advertising budget and not CE budget.  Main costs were the speaker fee and travel expenses which was about $3800 (all together).  We had to change the date so there was flight change fees as well.

     Attendees - 30 people approximately

     Venue was great to have food and parking; needed to have 60-70 in attendance

     Current balances - fiscal year started in July.  Last fiscal year we had a net loss of $1200.  Part of it due to insurance costs increased.  Accounts are fine - $12,000 in account. 

Secretary’s Report

     No report

Student Representative’s Report

No report

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

      New CE requirements from APA/CPA

      Potential Salon Events -Penny Clemmens - divorce/mediation, Dr. MacMannis - parenting strong willed children (he also offered his home as a venue).  Haven’t had a lot of salons on children and couples.  CPA needs to approve we can have 2 in October.  Still would like one in November.

Website Committee’s Report

     No report

Media & Public Relations Committee Report

     No report

Membership Committee Report

            Next breakfast: 8/29

     Carr winery event - need some guidance on how to help, facilitate new members who want to join.  Treasure will help with setting up the tablet to take payment.  Dr. Bates Freed will also send out an announcement to membership.  Incentives to join early - flowers, tshirt, buttons, etc.

Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

     No report

Social Committee Report

     Carr Winery - call C’est Cheese.  Make sure Carr winery has non alcoholic beverages.

     Holiday party - 12/7/18 - needs to be finalized with August.  May change dates, nothing is finalized.

     Social event - lawn bowling is not returning calls so proceeded with another idea on the list, called Painted Cabernet is $40/person (includes painting and wine).

     Installment brunch is set - 1/13/19 at University Club


Ethics Committee Report

     No report

Disaster Response Committee Report

     No report

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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